
The high-spin level schemes of odd–odd 100Nb ( Z = 41 , N = 59 ) and 148La ( Z = 57 , N = 91 ) were identified from γ – γ – γ coincidence studies of prompt γ rays in the spontaneous fission of 252Cf with Gammasphere. Spin/parity assignments for the levels in these two nuclei were made based on the low-lying levels assigned in decay work, on the internal conversion coefficient (ICC) measurements and the level systematics of the neighboring isotopes. A K π = 1 + deformed ground-state band was identified in 100Nb. The onset of ground-state deformation in Nb isotopes is found to take place at N = 59 , in contrast to N = 60 for Sr ( Z = 38 ), Y ( Z = 39 ) and Zr ( Z = 40 ) isotopes. Unlike the observation in 99Nb, the N = 56 subshell closure seems to be no longer dominant in 100Nb. The bands observed in 148La are interpreted as aligned coupling of [ π h 11 / 2 υ h 9 / 2 ] low J to the deformed core rotor.

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