
We carry out a numerical study to investigate the dynamics of non-Brownian hard-sphere suspensions near the liquid and crystal coexistence region in small to large amplitude oscillatory shear flow. The first normal stress difference (N1) and related rheological functions are carefully analyzed, focusing on the strain stiffening phenomenon, which occurs in the large strain amplitude region. Under oscillatory shear, we observe several unique behaviors of N1. A negative nonzero mean value of N1 (N1,0) is observed for the applied strain amplitudes. The change of the sign, from negative to positive, at the maximum value of N1 (N1,max) is observed at a specific point, which is not consistent with the critical strain amplitude (γ0,c) at which the modulus begins to deviate from linear viscoelasticity. The behavior of N1 in the oscillatory shear flow is different from that of N1 in steady shear flow, that is, the characteristics of N1 in strain stiffening and shear thickening are quite distinguished from each other. We also perform structural analysis to confirm the relationship between the rheological properties and microstructure of the suspension. A strong correlation is observed between the global bond order parameter (Ψ6) and the distortions in both nonlinear shear and normal stresses. The most noticeable characteristic is captured through the maximum of the global bond order parameter (Ψ6,max). The strain amplitude at the slope change of Ψ6,max corresponds to the point where a unique behavior of N1 is observed, i.e. the change of the sign in N1,max, but a strong correlation is not captured at γ0,c. This demonstrates that the normal stress responds to particle ordering more sensitively than other rheological functions based on shear stress like dynamic moduli. As far as we are concerned, the behavior of N1 has rarely been fully explored and related with the strain stiffening of non-Brownian suspensions so far. Therefore, this study has significance as the first report to strictly analyze strain stiffening along with the first normal stress difference N1.

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