
Existing general output feedback compensators ( OFC) cannot generate a slate feedback control signal Kx( t) where K is a constant and x( t) is the plant system state. A simple and systematic design is presented for a new OFC, which is applicable for all observable plant systems, either with more outputs than inputs or with at least one stable transmission zero ( or for most observable plants). This new OFC can generate a signal Kx( t) where K = KC¯ and where K is a free OFC parameter and C is predetermined by the design of the dynamic part of OFC. This Kx( t) is exactly compatible with the static output feedback ( SOF) control signal Ky CX( t) where K is free and C is given. Furthermore, because the rank of C¯ is maximized by our design, and it ranges between the plant system order and the rank of C, this new OFC can completely unify the existing result of OFC which estimates x( t) and the existing result of SOF. These two existing results were far from being unified before

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