
It is impossible to carry out cochlear implantation for patients with bilateral deafness because of damage auditory nerve, congenital aplasia of cochlea or auditory nerve, obliteration of cochlea. For these patients it was developed auditory brainstem implant (ABI). It delivers sounds to brain by means stimulation of the cochlear nucleus. In Russia the first 3 operations auditory brainstem implantation in December 2014 owing cooperation of St. Petersburg’s Research Institute of ENT and speech, Polenov’s neurosurgical institute, neurosurgical clinic Fulda. Materials and methods: two adult patients with neurofibromatosis type 2 and 1 child (2 years old) with bilateral cochlea aplasia got the surgery of auditory brainstem implantation. Results: 6-9 electrodes were activated in patients. The thresholds at warble tones in the range 500-6000 Hz were 45-55 dB. Adult patients detected different surrounding sounds, differed words and sentences with variable duration and rhythmic structure after 8-10 days of sound processor activation. The progress in auditory perception was revealed during 5 months of ABI using and auditory training. The child demonstrated the development of listening and vocal activity. Conclusions: auditory brainstem implantation is possible method of auditory rehabilitation of deaf patients who have contradictions for cochlear implantation. The patients with ABI differ and identify words and sentences in close set, improve speech perception by lip-reading. It was observed the progress in auditory, preverbal and verbal vocal skills in child with congenital deafness after implantation. The quality of life of patients and their family members increased.

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