
Introduction to Siberia of bees of different breeds such as Italian Apis mellifera ligustica Spin., Apis mellifera carnica Pollm., Kuban (yellow Caucasian) Apis mellifera remipes Gerst., Far Eastern Apis mellifera acervorum, grey mountain Caucasian Apis mellifera caucasica Gorb. led to the fact that crossbreeds of an unknown generation predominate in the Novosibirsk region. These bees are rich in swarms, do not winter well, and the egg-laying of the queens is low. Currently, the importation of packet bees has stopped due to sharp increases in fuel prices (fuels and lubricants) and air and rail transport. But the importation of fetal queen bees is still ongoing. The authors studied the method of reproduction of bee colonies to preserve the beekeeping industry in Western Siberia. In one of the promising regions of Western Siberia, in the Vasyugan swamps, nectariferous plants grow for breeding bees. In that place, plants grow such as Rubus idaeus L. (common raspberry), Angelica sylvestris L. (wood angelica), Archangelica decurrens L. (Siberian angelica), Ribus nigrum L. (black currant), Sonchus arvensis L. (field sow thistle), Melilotus officinalis L. (yellow sweet clover), Melilotus albus Medik. (White sweet clover), Centaurea scabiosa L. (rough cornflower), Salix L. (willow), Taraxacum Wigg. (dandelion), Dracocephalum nutans L. (Siberian snakehead), Glechoma bederaceae L. (ivy-shaped budra), Prunella vulgaris L. (common blackhead). These plants are an excellent forage base for beekeeping. For two years of research, the authors found that the collection of honey per bee colony was in the group where the bees were propagated by natural swarming, 51.8 ± 5.1 kg, individual layering - 49.9 ± 4.3, prefabricated layering - 55, 6±3.1 kg. The strength of the families that went into the winter was 8.47±0.30; 8.77±0.20 and 9.06±0.40 bee space, respectively. Reproduction of bee colonies for two years showed that it is possible to increase the number of bee colonies from 4 to 16 (403%) by natural swarming, by individual layers - up to 19 (572%), and teams - up to 17 (422%).

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