
Rully Charitas Indra PrahmanaEditor in Chief of AD-INTERCOMME’s Publication, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Jl. Pramuka Kav. 5 Pandeyan, Umbulharjo, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.E-mail: rully.indra@mpmat.uad.ac.idPrefaceThe first Ahmad Dahlan International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (AD-INTERCOMME) is a collaborative event of Department of Mathematics and Department of Mathematics Education (Undergraduate and Postgraduate) Universitas Ahmad Dahlan. The objectives are to improve mathematics teaching and to expand mathematics contributions to the society. This international conference is a biannual conference, started in 2017. The main topics of the conference are divided into five categories namely Analysis, Statistics, Algebra, Applied Mathematics, and Mathematics Education.The keynote presentations are provided especially to show the contribution of Mathematician and Mathematics Educator in the world of mathematics and mathematics education towards research and knowledge sharing where our conference theme for this year is ‘Current Issues in Mathematics and Mathematics Education’. We have four keynote speakers coming from Goethe-University Frankfurt, Germany, Prof. Dr. Mathias Ludwig and Dr. Xenia-Rosemarie Reit, South East Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) QITEP in Mathematics, Assoc. Prof. Allan Leslie White, and Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Indonesia, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Suparman. We also have two keynote speakers in workshop session coming from Universitas Gadjah Mada, Dr. Indah Emilia Wijayanti, and Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Dr. Rully Charitas Indra Prahmana.

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