
The finite element method with nonuniform mesh sizes is employed to approximately solve elliptic boundary value problems in unbounded domains. Consider the following model problem: \[ − Δ u = f in Ω C , u = g on ∂ Ω , ∂ u ∂ r + 1 r u = o ( 1 r ) as r = | x | → ∞ , - \Delta u = f\quad {\text {in}}\;{\Omega ^C},\quad u = g\quad {\text {on}}\;\partial \Omega ,\quad \frac {{\partial u}}{{\partial r}} + \frac {1}{r}u = o\left ( {\frac {1}{r}} \right )\quad {\text {as}}\;r = |x| \to \infty , \] where Ω C {\Omega ^C} is the complement in R 3 {R^3} (three-dimensional Euclidean space) of a bounded set Ω \Omega with smooth boundary ∂ Ω \partial \Omega , f and g are smooth functions, and f has bounded support. This problem is approximately solved by introducing an artificial boundary Γ R {\Gamma _R} near infinity, e.g. a sphere of sufficiently large radius R. The intersection of this sphere with Ω C {\Omega ^C} is denoted by Ω R C \Omega _R^C and the given problem is replaced by \[ − Δ u R = f in Ω R C , u R = g on ∂ Ω , ∂ u R ∂ r + 1 r u R = 0 on Γ R . - \Delta {u_R} = f\quad {\text {in}}\;\Omega _R^C,\quad {u_R} = g\quad {\text {on}}\;\partial \Omega ,\quad \frac {{\partial {u_R}}}{{\partial r}} + \frac {1}{r}{u_R} = 0\quad {\text {on}}\;{\Gamma _R}. \] This problem is then solved approximately by the finite element method, resulting in an approximate solution u R h u_R^h for each h > 0 h > 0 . In order to obtain a reasonably small error for u − u R h = ( u − u R ) + ( u R − u R h ) u - u_R^h = (u - {u_R}) + ({u_R} - u_R^h) , it is necessary to make R large. This necessitates the solution of a large number of linear equations, so that this method is often not very good when a uniform mesh size h is employed. It is shown that a nonuniform mesh may be introduced in such a way that optimal error estimates hold and the number of equations is bounded by C h − 3 C{h^{ - 3}} with C independent of h and R.

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