
SUMMARYThe fine structure of the septal pore cap in Coprinus stercorarius has been investigated using glutaraldehyde-acrolein and OsO4 fixation. Face and cross sectional views reveal that this dome-shaped membranous structure contains numerous, small perforations (120–130 nm in diam) that are arranged in a regular pattern superficially resembling “chicken wire.” This structure acts as a sieve allowing protoplasmic continuity between adjacent hyphal cells but seemingly restricts migration of cellular organelles; in this respect it is similar to the Polyporus-type of pore cap found in Polyporus rugulosus, Polystictus versicolor and Poria monticola. The pore cap consists of two layers: the outer layer is composed of two closely appressed unit membranes and the inner layer consists of a single unit membrane. The suggestion that the pore cap is composed of modified endoplasmic reticulum is supported by the demonstration of connections of it with rough ER.

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