
Two pairs of ganglia are found in the propodial region of the veliger of Onchidoris bilamellata: the anterolateral pair is located at the foremost corners of the propodium, and the frontal pair is located beside the propodial midline. Both sets of ganglia are positioned below the epidermis, and they are joined to the cerebral ganglia by large, common connectives. Each ganglion possesses sensory cells, nerve cells and sheath cells, and the frontal pair contains a complement of secretory cells. Externally, the propodial ganglia are manifested as sensory fields. The fields of the anterolateral pair are elliptical in shape, and each appears as a band of cilia bordering an unciliated zone. The region devoid of cilia is composed of ordinary epidermal cells, whereas the ciliated portion is comprised of dendritic endings originating from cells in the ganglion. Dendrites arise from one type of sensory cell and pass through the epidermis in bundles. Each dendrite terminates as a single cilium at the epidermal surface. Sensory fields of the frontal ganglia are key-shaped and oppose one another on the anterior end of the foot. Each field appears as a flat, circular, unciliated region which extends into a ciliated groove that runs dorsally toward the mouth. The groove contains the terminals of secretory cells, ciliated sensory cells, and the cell bodies of nonciliated sensory cells. The nonciliated sensory cells, characterized by a microvillous apex, are the dominant cells in the flattened circular zone. The space between the frontal ganglia and the epidermis is bridged by bundles of processes which are similar to those of the anterolateral ganglia. However, these tracts contain collections of the apical processes of secretory cells, the dendrites of ciliated sensory cells, and the axons of nonciliated sensory cells. Morphological and behavioral evidence indicates that the propodial ganglia serve a chemosensory function during settlement and metamorphosis.

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