
SUMMARY The ocellus of Glomeris consists of a corneal lens, corneagenous and retinal cells. Basally the optical calyx is, bounded by a connective sheath. The cytoplasm of the corneagenous cells contains a few organelles; numerous pigment granules are present in the perinuclear zone. The external surface of the corneagenous cells is covered with short microvilli. The retinal cells have microvilli which are directed toward the apical surface of the photoreceptoral process. The photoreceptoral cytoplasm under the inner microvillar border is highly vacuolated: it also contains large intercellular lacunae, tubules and cisternae of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum and pinocytotic vesicles. Mitochondria, pigment granules, multivesicular bodies and Golgi's apparatus are localized between the microvillar border and the photoreceptoral nuclear region. In this latter region the cytoplasm contains mitochondria, rough endoplasmic reticulum and a few pigment granules. The retinal cell axons, containing numerous neurotu...

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