
A tri-lamellar body has been observed either near or adjacent to the crosswalls in 16 out of 20 different isolates ofAnabaena examined in thin sections. These bodies appear to consist of three discoid lamellae approximately 0.3 Μm in diameter. The outer lamella (closest to the plasma membrane) is separated from the middle lamella by a 12 nm space and is about 8 nm in thickness. The middle and inner lamellae, spaced about 8 nm apart, are approximately 8 nm in thickness. Electron dense granules, interpreted to be Β-granules, are associated with the inner lamella. In different species, osmiophilic lines 3 nm wide were observed. The osmiophilic lines run at right angles to the lamellae, either between the outer and middle lamellae, between the middle and inner lamellae or between all three lamellae. In some species, osmiophilic lines are absent. Up to six tri-lamellar bodies have been observed in median longitudinal sections. Pores 20 nm in diameter and 60 nm apart were observed in layer 2 of the cell wall of all the species ofAnabaena examined. All species which had tri-lamellar bodies also had wall pores closely associated with the bodies. Wall pores were also observed in four species lacking tri-lamellar bodies. The possible role of these structures is discussed.

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