
We descriЬe new findings relating to an Early Paleolithic site of Garaja on the Mingachevir Reservoir coast, Azerbaijan. Geological and geomorphological position of the area, structure of the Early–Middle Pleistocene deposits, faunal remains, and chronology are discussed. On the basis of geological characteristics and paleofauna (large mammals, mollusks) we tentatively date the site to the Bakunian age (0.8–0.4 Ma years ago). Artifacts, some 350 in number, found mainly on the surface, but reliably associated with lithological units, are described in detail. Primary reduction is dominated Ьy parallel fiaking, with occasional radial and "citron" cleavage. Most tools, made on peЬЬles and large fiakes, are large (handaxes, choppers, and side-scrapers). While the Garaja industry is generally homogeneous, the stratigraphic situation of the site and certain elements of technocomplex, such as solitary Levallois cores, a Quina scraper, and advanced forms of bifaces, indicate the presence of two chronologically and technologically successive complexes within the general Late Acheulean industrial tradition. Garaja correlates with other cave and open-air industries of the East and South Caucasus and adjoining regions dating to the first half of the Middle Pleistocene.

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