
In larvae of Rana temporaria and Bufo bufo the location of filter apparatus within the larval organization, the arrangement of the morphological parts as branchial food trap, ventral velum, and filter rows, as well as their surface anatomy, are similar to that of other species of Orton's larval type IV. The means by which mucous with its entrapped food particles is transported from the filter rows to the esophagus is finally resolved. The dorsally positioned ciliary cushion extends far ventrally between the filter plates. From their contact with the filter rows, the cilia transport the mucous to Kratochwill's caudally positioned “Flimmerrinne” and from there to the esophagus. The original chordate principle of mucous entrapment and ciliary transport is thus retained by these anuran larvae. The only modification specific to the latter is the division into a ventral filter apparatus, whose epithelia serve for mucus entrapment, and a dorsal ciliary area.

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