
In his book, The Fight for Fluoridation, Donald R. McNeil recounts the entire story of fluoridation for the prevention of dental decay, from the early years in which the objective was to prevent Colorado stain (Texas teeth, mottled enamel) through those in which it was recognized that mottled enamel is associated with resistance to dental decay (even before we knew what caused mottling). He continues to the era in which it was learned that it is possible to achieve partial immunity to dental decay without mottling. Finally, he describes the process of learning from nature's fluoride experiments how to adjust the fluoride content of water to the level of about 1 ppm, a concentration which will reduce the rate of dental caries but which will not induce disfiguring fluorosis of the teeth or other harmful effects in the human being. McNeil has gathered together an immense amount of material: letters,

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