
Additional index words. Ficus carica, pollination biology, postharvestThe genus Ficus includes species rangingin number from 600 to more than 1900, withmost found in the tropics or subtropics andonly a handful with fruits considered edible(reviewed in Condit, 1969). The cultivatedfig, Ficus carica L., (Moraceae), is clearly ofgreatest importance as a source of humanfood. The fig fruit has long been associatedwithhorticulture in the Mediterranean region(Zohary and Spiegel-Roy, 1975) and is con­sidered to have beenfirst brought into cul­tivation in southern Arabia (Storey, 1975).Wild or nearly wild figs are reportedthroughout much of the Middle East andMediterranean region (De Candolle, 1886).Cultivated figs are reported to have becomeestablished across the

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