
The paper publishes the collection of fibulae from Lysukha Hillfort obtained during the field exploration from 2016 to 2018. The research was conducted by the archeological team of the Science Research Centre «Protective Archaeology Service of Ukraine»» headed by Dr. Yu. Boltryk. The monument on Lysukha Mountain is located in Middle Dnieper region. The settlement was discovered in 1970 by Dr. E. V. Maksimov. During 1990—2005 the site was explored by Dr. V. O. Petrashenko. The results of the research allow to attribute the site as multi-layered settlements with finds of Late Scythian, Zarubintsy, Chernyakhiv cultures and early Slavic times of the 5th—7th c. AD.
 The collection includes 29 intact and fragmented fibulae. They have been discovered both in mixed layers and objects. Some of them are found by chance. Fibulae belong to seven typological groups according to the classification of A. K. Ambroz. Finds are represented by Early Roman and Late Roman forms. Three chronological groups could be distinguished: second half of the 1st — early 2nd century AD, third quarter of the 3rd — early 4th century AD and the second third of the 4th—early 5th century AD.
 The first group consists of three artifacts. Two finds came to Lysukha through the contacts of its population with Northern Pontic cities. These fibulae were found in the Sarmatian assemblages. One fibula is of Southern Baltic origin. Similar fasteners were in use among the population of Post Zarubintsy circle on the Middle Dnieper area.
 The fibulae of Late Roman forms are represented by 23 pieces. The fasteners are made mainly of bronze and iron. Fibulae of the «military» type and Cherniakhiv one are prevailed.


  • Пам’ятку на горі Лисуха виявили у 1970 р. розвідкою експедиції Є

  • Найчастіше застібки містилися у культурному шарі разом із різночасовим матеріалом (14 одиниць), 8 екземплярів відносяться до випадкових знахідок

  • Першу групу складають застібки типу VІІ Альмгрена та двочасні підв’язні фібули серії А2

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Пам’ятку на горі Лисуха виявили у 1970 р. розвідкою експедиції Є. 1. У культурному шарі городища виявлено корпус глазчатої фібули «пруської» серії Пороги Вінницької області, яке атрибутоване як сарматське 4. Корпус фібули із бронзи, приймач відсутній, кільце отвору для осі пружини зламане

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