
This article attempts to explain the colonization of Shandong province by the Western Zhou dynasty by analyzing the findspot of the inscription of Western Zhou times.BR In the beginning of the Western Zhou dynasty, Western Zhou forces attacked into Shandong province, following the two lines. One of two lines was the northern route. The Northern route starting from Zhengzhou(鄭州), went through Hézé(菏澤), Yanggu(陽谷), Taian(泰安), Zībó(淄博), ended in Yantai(煙臺). The central country of the northern route was Qi(齊) located in Zībó(淄博). The other route was the Southern route. The southern route beginning from Zhengzhou(鄭州), went through Zoucheng(鄒城). After passing through Zoucheng, the road forked into two routes. The eastern route of the southern route ended in Qufu(曲阜) where Lu(魯) country was founded. The western route of the southern route ended in Tengzhou(滕州) where Teng(滕) country was founded. And yet the southern area of the Shandong province remained still under the eastern barbarian(東夷) rule until the end of Western Zhou times.BR Following the traffic route above mentioned, the Western Zhou dynasty founded several feudal countries, so every feudal countries carried out roles such as a garrison base of the expansion of the Western Zhou dynasty. They generally was called hou(侯) that was the second spot of the Western Zhou peerage system.

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