
These lectures will attempt to describe some of the physics of the solid systems that are called the fermi solids. The fermi solids are dielectric solids which have properties which depend upon the fermi nature of the particles from which they are constructed. As such the fermi solids are a subclass of the quantum solids [1]. Consider the sequence of dielectric solid systems; the neutron solid, solid 3He, solid 4He, solid H2, solid HD, solid D2, solid neon, solid argon, …. In this sequence the noble gas solids Ne, A, Kr, Xe, Rd are essentially non-quantum solids that form a useful classical limit against which to test ones understanding of the quantum solids [2]. The solid hydrogens, H2 HD and D2 are weakly quantum mechanical. The neutron solid and the helium solids, 3He and 4He, are strongly quantum mechanical. Solid 4He is a bose solid; it has been speculated that this solid might exhibit superfluidity [3]. Solid 3He and the neutron solid are the fermi solids. 3He is a laboratory solid about which a great deal is known. The neutron solid is believed to be present in some of the pulsars.

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