
Introduction: FEMIINST TURN IN PHILOSOPHY Section one: and Resistance 1. Gayle Rubin, Traffic in Women: Notes on Political Economy of 2. Marilyn Frye, 3. Audre Lorde, Master's Tools Cannot Dismantle Master's House. 4. Sandra Bartky, On Psychological Oppression 5. Peggy McIntosh, Privilege and Male Privilege: Personal of To See Correspondences through Work in Women's Studies 6. Maria Lugones, Playfulness, 'World' Traveling, and Loving Perception 7. For Further Reading 8. Media Resources Section two: and 1. Simone de Beauvoir, Introduction to Second 2. Judith Butler, Performative Acts and Constitution: An Essay in Phenomenology and 3. bell hooks, Reconstructing Black Masculinity 4. Anne Fausto-Sterling, Should there only be two sexes? 5. Judith Halberstam. Transgender Butch 6. OyewA'mi Oyeronke , Visualizing the Body: Western Theories and African Subjects 7. For Further Reading 8. Media Resources Section three: Race and Racism 1. Elizabeth Spelman, Gender and Race: Ampersand Problem in Thought 2. Kimberle Crenshaw, Mapping the Margins: Intersectionality, Identity Politics, and Violence against of Color 3. American Anthropological Association, Statement on 'Race' 4. Annette Jamies, Some Kind of Indian 5. Maria Lugones, Purity, Impurity and Separation 6. Alison Bailey, Locating Traitorous Identities: Towards a Theory of White Character Formation 7. Aileen Moreton-Robinson, Tiddas Speakin' Strong: Indigenous Women's Self-presentation within White Australian 8. For Further Reading 9. Media Resources Section four: Sexualities 1. Luce Irigaray, The which Is Not One 2. Jessica Benjamin, Desire of One's Own: Psychoanalytic and Intersubjective Space 3. Catherine MacKinnon, 4. Ann Ferguson, Sex War: Debate between Radical and Libertarian Feminists 5. Kiss and Tell, Questioning Censorship 6. Evelynn Hammonds, a Genealogy of Black Female Sexuality 7 Chris Cuomo, Religion and the Right to be Gay 8. For Further Reading 9. Media Resources Section five: Postcolonial and Transnational Feminisms 1. Chandra Talpade Mohanty Workers and Capitalist Scripts: Ideologies of Domination, Common Interests, and Politics of Solidarity 2. Ofelia Schutte, Feminism and Globalization Processes in Latin America 3. Angela Davis, The Prison Industrial Complex 4. Andrea Smith, Sexual Violence As Tool of Genocide 5. Aihwa Ong, Experiments with Freedom: Milieus of Human 6. Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, A Critique of Postcolonial Reason 7. For Further Reading 8. Media Resources Section six: Ethical theories 1. Carol Gilligan, Moral Orientation and Moral Cevelopment 2. Seyla Benhabib, The Generalized And Concrete Other: Kohlberg-Gilligan Controversy and Moral 3. Virginia Held, Care: Care as Practice And Value 4. Kelly Oliver, Conflicted 5. Sarah Hoagland, Separating from Heterosexualism 6. Margaret Urban Walker, Seeing Power in Morality: Proposal for Naturalism in Ethics 7. Claudia Card, The Moral Powers of Victims 8. For Further Reading 9. Media Resources Section seven: Political Philosophies 1. Marilyn Friedman, Autonomy, Social Disruption and Women 2. Eva Kittay, Taking Dependency Seriously: Family Medical Leave Act Considered in Light of Social Organization of Dependency Work and Equality 3. Susan Okin, Vulnerability by Marriage 4. Nancy Fraser, After Family Wage: Equity And Welfare State 5. Iris Marion Young, Difference and Social Policy: Reflections in Context of Social Movements 6. Cynthia Enloe, Updating Gendered Empire: Where Are in Occupied Afghanistan and Iraq? 7. For Further Reading 8. Media Resources Section eight: Epistemologies: 1. Susan Bordo, Purification and Transcendence 2. Alison Jaggar, Love and Knowledge: Emotion in 3. Linda Martin Alcoff, How Is Epistemology Political? 4. Lorraine Code, Taking Subjectivity into Account 5. Sandra Harding, Strong Objectivity 6. Uma Narayan, Project of Epistemology: Perspectives from Nonwestern Feminist 7. Nancy Tuana, Coming to Understand: Orgasm And Epistemology of Ignorance 8. For Further Reading 9. Media Resources Section nine: Ontologies 1. Mary Anne Warren, Moral Significance of Birth 2. Ann J. Cahill, A Phenomenology of Fear: Threat of Rape and Female Bodily Comportment 3. Susan Wendell, a Theory of Disability 4. Mary Daly, Be-longing: Lust for Happiness 5. Rosi Braidotti, Mothers, Monsters and Machines 6. Gloria Anzaldua, La Conciencia de la Mestiza: Toward New Consciousness 7. For Further Reading 8. Media Resources

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