
The canine and feline female reproductive tract comprises internal and external genitalia. The ovaries are found close to the caudal poles of the kidneys and are generally ovoid in shape (although this is less consistent if a large follicle or corpus luteum is present). They have a cortex (containing the follicles) and a medulla. The right ovary is often found dorsal to the ascending colon, and the left ovary is located adjacent to the descending colon. The ovaries are enclosed by the ovarian bursae. The uterine tube begins as the funnel-shaped infundibulum adjacent to the ovary and continues as the ampulla then isthmus until the junction with the uterine horn. The course of the uterine tube is tortuous and lies within the wall of the ovarian bursa. The uterus comprises two horns leading into a short body, terminating in a short thick-walled cervix. The uterine wall has three layers;: an outer serosal layer (perimetrium); a muscular layer (myometrium) and an inner mucosal layer (endometrium). The uterus is generally dorsal to the small intestines, with the body lying ventral to the descending colon and dorsal to the bladder. The chapter discusses Normal radiographic appearance; Contrast radiography; Indications; Ultrasonography; Overview of additional imaging modalities; Normal pregnancy; Female reproductive system diseases; and Mammary glands.

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