
Preface Introduction: The Federal Vision, Levels of Governance, and Legitimacy PART I. ARTICULATING THE FEDERAL VISION The United States and the European Union: Models for Their Epochs Federalism without Constitutionalism: Europe's Sonderweg PART II. LEVELS OF GOVERNANCE IN THE UNITED STATES AND THE EUROPEAN UNION: FACTS AND DIAGNOSIS Centralization and Its Discontents: The Rhythms of Federalism in the United States and the European Union Blueprints for Change: Devolution and Subsidiarity in the United States and the European Union Devolution in the United States: Rhetoric and Reality Federalism in the European Union: Rhetoric and Reality PART III. LEGAL AND REGULATORY INSTRUMENTS OF FEDERAL GOVERNANCE The Role of Law in the Functioning of Federal Systems Comparative Federalism and the Issue of Commandeering Regulatory Legitimacy in the United States and the European Union PART IV. FEDERALISM, LEGITIMACY AND GOVERNANCE: MODELS FOR UNDERSTANDING Securing Subsidiarity: The Institutional Design of Federalism in the United States and Europe Federal Governance in the United States and the European Union: A Policy Network Perspective Federalism and State Governance in the European Union and the United States: An Institutional Perspective Democratic Legitimacy under Conditions of Regulatory Competition: Why Europe differs from the United States PART V. FEDERALISM, LEGITIMACY, AND IDENTITY Citizenship and Federations: Some Preliminary Reflections The Constitutions of Institutions Beyond Devolution: From Subsidiarily to Mutuality European Citizenship: The Relevance of the American Model CONCLUSION The Federal Vision Beyond the Federal State APPENDIX: BASIC PRINCIPLES FOR THE ALLOCATION OF COMPETENCE IN THE UNITED STATES AND THE EUROPEAN UNION ABOUT THE CONTRIBUTORS INDEX

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