
This article is devoted to the study of the features of the formation of a value attitude towards another person among pupils of boarding schools. Without taking into account factors, namely: the sensitivity of primary school and older adolescence in forming a value attitude towards another person; the peculiarities of organizing the life activities of pupils of boarding schools of the specifics of the contingent of pupils of general education boarding schools of the potential of out-of-hours activities of the above-mentioned educational institutions - it is impossible to determine the effectiveness of certain pedagogical means, to design educational strategies for the formation of a value attitude towards another person among pupils of boarding schools. According to graduates of boarding schools, the greatest difficulties at the end of school are unprepared for relations with members of the opposite sex, the search for friends, the inability to civilize resolve conflicts, fear of new people, inability and unwillingness to build relations with “normal people” and contrast their interests to others, as well as the lack of opportunity to get separate advice. The barrier to the independent life of graduates of boarding schools is the lack of positive examples of life experience in solving various problems; negatively affect the attit ude towards other people, misunderstandings, and conflicts. Often the inability to establish relations with people and show a value attitude to them causes panic, a sense of hopelessness, misunderstanding, isolation. That is why teachers propose to educate pupils of boarding schools based on correspondence with the real needs of children, communication with life, activation of feedback, motivation.


  • Chernavina, SA, Yevshel NA Development of coordination abilities among schoolchildren involved in sports tourism / SA Chernavina, NA Evshel // Phys. culture in the school. - 2012. - No 4. - P. 56-60

  • This article is devoted to the study of the features of the formation of a value attitude towards another person among pupils of boarding schools

  • The provision on orphanages and general education boarding schools for the orphan children and children deprived of parental care (Order MOP of Ukraine of 20.09.2012 No 995/557) [Electronic resource]

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ОСОБЛИВОСТІ ФОРМУВАННЯ ЦІННІСНОГО СТАВЛЕННЯ ДО ІНШОЇ ЛЮДИНИ В УЧНІВ СПЕЦІАЛІЗОВАНИХ ШКІЛ This article is devoted to the study of the features of the formation of a value attitude towards another person among pupils of boarding schools. Дана стаття присвячено вивченню особливостей формування ціннісного ставлення до іншої людини у учнів шкіл-інтернатів.

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