
Noninvasive monitoring brain oxygenation with near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) is becoming a widely used in neonatology for determine the optimal target oxygen saturation during resuscitation of newborns, but its use in clinical practice for diagnostics and prognosis perinatal pathology is limited because intra and especially interpatient variability are too large for this aim. This study aimed to determine cerebral oximetry values during the sleep cycle and wakefulness in healthy full term newborns. 38 newborns (gestational age 38 weeks were included in this study (22 after normal birth I group and 16 after cesarean section). Near-infrared spectroscopy (CrSO2) from left fronto-parietal region was recorded in synchrony with polysomnography. Continuous cerebral CrSO2 were measured using near-infrared spectroscopy (Somanetic INVOS 5100C, USA). Fraction tissue oxygen extraction (FTOE) was calculated using SaO2 (pulse oximeter Radical Masimo) and CrSO2 (FTOE = (SаO2 CrSO2)/SаO2). CrSO2 and SаO2 were analyzed during 15 minutes polysomnography-defined quiet, active sleep and wakefulness (defined according to standard guidelines). The results: cerebral oxygen saturation varies with sleep-wake states: during active sleep (74,18 0,75%) was similar to the value in wakefulness (75,6 1,0%) and smaller than in quiet sleep (81,93 1,74%, р 0,001), but FTOE during active sleep was significantly higher (0,221 0,008% and 0,129 0,005%, p 0,001). There were no differences of rates between groups. The high oxygen consumption during REM sleep supports its role during postnatal brain functional development. The use of NIRS taking into account sleep structure will be new method for diagnostic and prognosis perinatal pathology CNS.


  • Неинвазивный мониторинг оксигенации мозга с помощью параинфракрасной спектроскопии находит все большее применение в неонатологии с целью своевременной коррекции гипо- или гипероксии при реанимации новорожденных, но его внедрение в практику для диагностики и прогноза перинатальной патологии ограничено в связи с наличием противоречивых данных о референтных значениях нормы у детей различного гестационного возраста

  • Noninvasive monitoring brain oxygenation with near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) is becoming a widely used in neonatology for determine the optimal target oxygen saturation during resuscitation of newborns, but it’s use in clinical practice for diagnostics and prognosis perinatal pathology is limited because intra and especially interpatient variability are too large for this aim

  • This study aimed to determine cerebral oximetry values during the sleep cycle and wakefulness in healthy full term newborns. 38 newborns (gestational age 38 weeks were included in this study (22 after normal birth – I group and 16 after cesarean section)

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Неинвазивный мониторинг оксигенации мозга с помощью параинфракрасной спектроскопии находит все большее применение в неонатологии с целью своевременной коррекции гипо- или гипероксии при реанимации новорожденных, но его внедрение в практику для диагностики и прогноза перинатальной патологии ограничено в связи с наличием противоречивых данных о референтных значениях нормы у детей различного гестационного возраста. Изменение оксигенации мозга в цикле сна у здоровых доношенных новорожденных детей // Педиатр. Цель исследования — изучить показатели церебральной оксиметрии в цикле сна у здоровых доношенных новорожденных детей.

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