
随着城市化和工业化进程加快,无锡等太湖周边城市的土地利用方式发生了巨大变化,特别是建设用地蔓延,侵占了湖滨带生态保护区,使湖泊生态系统的功能和健康受到威胁,太湖水体污染严重.以生态-经济为导向的土地开发适宜性分区,就是通过对不同地区的土地开发方式和强度的管制,使土地利用的空间结构与健康太湖的保护目标相适应.这样的分区强调困地制宜地将评价区域划分为不同开发强度类型的地区,鼓励资源环境容量大的地区承担高强度的社会经济活动,同时限制生态敏感区域的开发强度.论文在借鉴已有区划方法的基础上,讨论了评价单元的划分、评价指标选择与处理等技术方法,并以无锡市为例,将其划分为优先开发区域、适度开发区域、控制开发区域、适度保护区域以及绝对保护区域等五大类型区,提出各类型分区管制的相应政策保障.;Along with the highly speedy urbanization and industrialization in the cities around the Taihu Lake, such as Wuxi city, the modes of land use have changed greatly, especially the built up areas are sprawling, which has invaded the lakeshore ecological protection area, threatened the health of ecological system and aroused the worse water pollution. However, the feasible development regionalization of land use under ecological-economic approach is a useful path to zone the area for different intensity for the sake of spatial functional distribution assorting with need of the lake ecological protection, i.e. some area with large environmental capacity may be encouraged for industrialization and urbanization while the ecological sensitive areas restricted from exploitation. Then, the division of assessed units and chosen of the assessed elements have been discussed. After synthetic analysis of ecological protection value and economic development value, the region of Wuxi city, as a case, was divided into five types . preferential development, feasible development, limitary development, moderate conservation and absolute conservation. Finally, the policy of spatial governess was advanced for each type respectively.

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