
Nitrogen (N) fluxes through the major plant pools of an alder (Alnus sinuta)-sweet corn (Zea mays) alley cropping system were determined over the course of two cropping seasons. Alder trees were injected with 15NO3–N to directly follow the flow of N between alder and corn. The contribution of the above- and below-ground tree N to corn was determined by exchanging the labeled above-ground prunings (green manure) with those from unlabeled plots. During the first growing season after coppicing of the injected alders, 18% of the alder 15N was taken up by the corn with 12% coming from the above-ground prunings. Of the 15N remaining in the tree/stump following coppicing, the majority was recovered by corn plants within the rows next to the labeled trees during the first growing season. Earlier recovery of 15N by corn in the labeled root plots compared to the labeled pruning plots indicated the importance of root turnover in supplying N to corn, especially following coppicing. By the end of the first and second growing seasons, 34% and 38% of the 15N initially present in prunings was recovered in corn plants, respectively. Approximately 80% of the total injected 15N was found in the soil during the second growing season; however, the turnover of above- and below-ground alder components supplied only 3–4% of the N required by corn during the year of green manure application. Thus, most of the corn N demand was met by mineralization of residual soil N within the 2 years of coppicing and green manure additions. Continued internal cycling of tree N and movement of soil N into more labile pools would presumably allow more alder N to become available over time. The synchronization between N mineralization from the hedgerow green manure components and nutrient uptake of the alley crop remains a major challenge in alley cropping and other green manure systems.

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