
The recent occurrence of vector-borne West Nile virus in Canada has resulted in the use of larvicides for widespread urban mosquito control. The City of Toronto has focused its larviciding program on storm water catch basins as they are concentrated breeding grounds of the mosquito (Culex pipiens) most likely to carry West Nile virus. The City of Toronto undertook a larviciding program to control mosquitoes during the summer months of 2003. The larvicide approved for mosquito control in Canada is methoprene, commercially known as Altosid, in pellet formulation. In order to determine the fate of the larvidice methoprene, the researcher, in conjunction with current studies at Ryerson University, the City of Toronto and the Ontario Ministry of the Environment, have undertaken a water quality monitoring study within the Toronto area. Three study catch basins in the Newtonbrook sewershed in Toronto, Ontario, were dosed with methoprene (Altosid) pellets three times over the summer of 2003, at the recommended mosquito control does of 0.7g. Water from each catch basin was sampled daily and analyzed for methoprene concentration, and mosquito larvae presence was observed. Precipitation, as well as the chemical composition of each of the catch basins was also monitored. A catch basin model in the laboratory was also dosed with methoprene pellets and sampled daily to observe methoprene concentration over time. The fate of methoprene in the urban environment is of interest, to ensure that the larviciding program is not conpromising human and environmental safety. It was found that rainfall flushes methoprene from the catch basins into the storm sewer outfall. The storm sewer outfall did not release methoprene at detrimental concentrations during the sampling period. Many factors such as physical dissolution, chemical degradation and catch basin water volume, affect the concentration of methoprene in a catch basin. In order to monitor the impacts of larviciding programs, comprehensive water quality monitoring and mosquito control efficacy should continue.


  • U n til recently, the thre at o f vector-borne disease was th ought to be a serious p ro b le m o n ly in tro p ic a l regions

  • The la rv ic id e app ro ved fo r m o sq u ito co n tro l in C anada is m e th o p re n e, comme rc ia lly known as A lto s id, in p e lle t fo rm u la tio n (C oT 2003a)

  • It is the m andate of the O n ta rio M in is try of the E n viro nment to ensure p ro te ctio n o f the e n viro nment, in c lu d in g p ro v id in g technical expertise, re g a rd in g the use o f pesticides to co n tro l m osquitoes and m o n ito r w a te r to ensure there are n o adverse im pacts o n the e n v iro nment (M O E 2003a)

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U n til recently, the thre at o f vector-borne disease was th ought to be a serious p ro b le m o n ly in tro p ic a l regions. The la rv ic id e app ro ved fo r m o sq u ito co n tro l in C anada is m e th o p re n e , comme rc ia lly known as A lto s id , in p e lle t fo rm u la tio n (C oT 2003a) It is the m andate of the O n ta rio M in is try of the E n viro nment to ensure p ro te ctio n o f the e n viro nment, in c lu d in g p ro v id in g technical expertise, re g a rd in g the use o f pesticides to co n tro l m osquitoes and m o n ito r w a te r to ensure there are n o adverse im pacts o n the e n v iro nment (M O E 2003a). F in a lly, C hapter 5 concludes the thesis w ith recom m endations

O bjectives
W est N ile Virus and Public H ealth
Integrated Pest Management
M osquitoes and Mosquito Control
2.I.2.I. Alternatives to Pesticides
Social and Political Climate of Mosquito Control
Environmental Persistence
Effects on Nontarget Species
R elated Studies - South Etobicoke, H um ber River and Toxicity
2.6.Summary of Current K now ledge
Field M onitoring Program and Laboratory Experim ent
Monitoring Site Description
Methoprene Application and Water Quality
Laboratory Experim ent M aterials & M ethods
Sam ple A nalysis & H andling
Sim ulation w ith Average R ainfall
R ecom m endations and A pplication of M odel to other Sewersheds
R elated Studies
Methoprene concentration and rainfall
Larvae presence and rainfall
CD 20 I
M alathion i
H eavy M etals and rainfall
O utfall m ethoprene concentration and rainfall
Laboratory Experiment Results
Methoprene concentration and water depth
M ethoprene concentration and p ellet size
D isc u ssio n
Full Text
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