
Dr. R. T. Morrisof New York, offers the following epigrammatic sentence regarding certain abnormal states of the clitoris: " The clitoris is a little electrical button, which when pressed by adhesions rings up the whole nervous system." He has found a large proportion of the highly evoluted females—Americans and city dwellers—of his practice, having the glans clitoridis and the prepuce agglutinated by adhesions. He has seen reflex neurotic disturbances of serious as well as trifling nature that were removed by the freeing of the glands from those adhesions. He had a case of nymphomania of eight years' standing get well promptly after the breaking up of these adhesions, also a very serious epileptic case; also others of less gravity. He refers to the experience of the lateBaker Brownof London, who was expelled from the London Obstetrical Society in 1867, because he amputated the clitoris so very frequently. The

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