
This chapter deals with confidence building and confidence-building measures (CBMs) in the context of the ongoing dispute between the United States and Cuba over a wide range of historic, political, and economic matters.1 The very idea of a look at such an activity as confidence building in such an intractable and long lasting conflict may strike the reader as, to say the least, odd and perhaps even foolhardy. After all, one side sees the other as determined to destroy it at whatever cost and however long it takes, while the second party sees its opponent as an incorrigibly evil regime in which one can never have any real faith.2 This is not the stuff of which normal confidence building is generally constructed.KeywordsUnited StatesArmed ForceIllegal ImmigrationMilitary OfficerBilateral RelationshipThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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