
The research featured the biography of Yakov Alperovich, a prominent figure of the Siberian Soviet establishment in the 1920s–1930s. Starting at the social bottom, his career path was a typical example of the dramatic fate that befell most Stalinist officials. The article describes the main steps of his career ladder on the way to political power during the purges of 1937–1938, as well as the changes in the Stalinist politics in the 1930s, which were the ruin of the internal party relations. The author assessed the socio-political atmosphere in the administrative establishment. The study focused on the role of denunciations as a tool against the so-called hostile elements. The dramatic end of Yakov Alperovich, a district committee secretary and an editor, reflects the general tragedy of the Soviet Communists that fell victims to the Stalin's repressions. The article introduces new historical facts and expands the knowledge about Siberia in the Stalin era.


  • The research featured the biography of Yakov Alperovich, a prominent figure of the Siberian Soviet establishment in the 1920s–1930s

  • Starting at the social bottom, his career path was a typical example of the dramatic fate that befell most Stalinist officials

  • The article describes the main steps of his career ladder on the way to political power during the purges of 1937–1938, as well as the changes in the Stalinist politics in the 1930s, which were the ruin of the internal party relations

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Ключевые слова: партийные кадры, ВКП(б), журналистика, краевая газета, доносы, НКВД, репрессии, Яков Альперович, Сибирь А. История краха сталинского пропагандиста: «дело» редактора газеты «Советская Сибирь» Якова Альперовича 1937–1938 гг. «Дело» редактора газеты «Советская Сибирь» Якова Альперовича Яков Альперович родился в 1905 г. Был переведен в редакцию главной краевой газеты «Советская Сибирь» на пост ответственного секретаря, а затем заместителя редактора.

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