
Failure of Bismarck's Kulturkampf Catholicism and State Power in Imperial Germany, 1871-1887. By Ronald J. Ross. (Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America Press. 1998. Pp. xvi, 219.$66.95.) Historical conflicts take a particularly violent course when cultural issues are at stake. Conflicts about cultural homogeneity are especially prone to materialize in uncountable ways and on various levels of contestation. German Kulturkampf between the Catholic Church on the one hand and liberalism and the Prussian bureaucracy on the other engulfed much of the 1870's and 1880's, though with waning energy. dichotomies of this hot family feud within German society dominated the formative period of the German party system and had a long-term impact on Germany's political culture well into the twentieth century According to Ronald J. Ross, the Kulturkampf ended in complete failure-a conclusion quite contrary to recent German scholarship, which celebrated the triumph of civil marriage. Indeed, the German Catholic Church was by no means subordinated to the interests of the newly founded nationstate. Instead, its spiritual as well as its political leaders emerged with a considerably higher degree of autonomy than before. Accounts of the Kulturkampf differ according to the working definition of its historical character and origins. Who were the warriors? Was it fought between the ultramontane Catholic Church and Bismarck or between Catholicism and liberalism or between the Center Party and Bismarck? Ross sees the Kulturkampf primarily as a struggle between authority ultimately embodied in the person of the imperial chancellor Otto von Bismarck and his minister of school affairs, Adalbert Falk, fighting the historically embedded rights of the Catholic Church, which, according to Bismarck, constituted a state within the state. While subscribing to a view of the Kulturkampf centered on authority-a view favored by Borussian historiography-Ross discusses the various mechanisms through which the Prussian tried to win the undivided loyalty of its Catholic subjects by forcefully loosening them from ultramontanism. Attempts to produce a decidedly anti-ultramontane loyalty to the Prussian encountered widespread resistance due to the failure to enforce the political will of Bismarck and his allies in at least six areas discussed by Ross: establishment of a new reformation, the Old Catholic Church, of the May Laws and the pulpit decree, expulsion of Catholic orders, the legal entanglements officials were facing, as well as pressure applied to political Catholicism and the Catholic press. The Kulturkampf ultimately failed, however, because it was backed by political institutions and managerial arrangements that were inappropriate for effective enforcement (p. …

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