
Islam considers both man and woman equal in practicing their deeds; even women, in many ways, are being treated in more respectable manner. However, like most of the under developed societies, in Pakistan women rights are usually maltreated by the dominating male majority of the society. Present study will try to answer that how in spite of religious barriers, a woman is often treated as a second class citizen of the society? How constitutional guarantees have often been overlooked? Above all how this culture may change in the light of Islamic injunctions? By using mainly qualitative method of research and with the help of both primary and secondary sources including Quran, Hadith, Constitution of Pakistan and other related books and journals etc, it is an attempt to analyze the status of Pakistani women in the light of Islam. With the spread of education and awareness, the practicing deeds are reflecting the desired values to some extent if not greater. Islam which provides an inspirational power to mold the public opinion have often been neglected to provide the women their due rights. In point of fact, negation of true Islamic injunctions along with constitution which reflects the same picture as Islam do is the main cause of misconceptions prevailing in Pakistani society.

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