
Open innovation which has become popular concept over past two decades creates the tool enabling not only speeder development of innovation but also creation of higher quality innovation. On the other hand, the companies suffer from prejudices towards opening up internal company know-how, technology platforms or company competences to external subjects. The factors hindering the adoption of open innovation refer to both business environment factors and internal company context like firm size, company maturity, company readiness for open innovation (OI) adoption or corporate culture. This study aims to examine the factors that influence open innovation penetration in Germany and the Czech Republic. In addition, it examines potential differences or similarities in the approach to innovation in both countries. The research is based on quantitative questionnaire survey conducted in selected countries. The main findings show that open innovation adoption proceeds in a slower way in the Czech Republic as compared to Germany but other important innovation parameters as success of radically new or significantly improved products and services development, new product and service development time or market acceptance of innovative products and services are executed in rather similar way in both countries.

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