
Introduction: Triage is defi ned as a process to sort patients based on the severity and emergency situation. In fact, Emergency Department (ED) in several hospitals in Indonesia do not implement it, so not all patients come to Emergency Department due to a true emergency case but there are also a false emergency. Implementing triage is important in order to decrease false emergency case and also increase ED service quality. The research goal was to analyze factors associated with the triage implementation in Emergency Department in Hospitals (type A and B). Methode: The research design was a cross sectional with corrrelative analysis. The research population was emergency department nurses and patients. Samples were taken by total sampling for the nurses (54 respondents) and accidental sampling for patients (54 respondents). The research instruments were questionnaire and direct observation. The research datas were analized using multivariat logistic regression by backward LR. Result: The result showed that the dominant factors correlated with the implementation of the triage was the performance factor (p value. 0,002), the patient factor (p value = 0.011), and the staffing factor (p value. 0.017). Discussion: The hospital management can increase the work motivation,then optimize the nurses by giving a job description clearly and improve nursing service quality through Triage Offi cer Course.Keywords: triage, performance factor, patient factor, staffi ng factor


  • Triage is defined as a process to sort patients based on the severity and emergency situation

  • Ada perawat yang memiliki faktor kinerja kurang baik (2%) namun dapat melaksanakan triage secara optimal

  • F kinerja F pasien sebanyak 1 responden (2%) melaksanakan triage optimal dan faktor kinerja yang baik 19 responden (35%) melaksanakan triage optimal

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Penelitian ini menggunakan desain analitik korelasional dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah perawat dan pasien di IGD Rumah Sakit A dan B dengan menggunakan total sampling untuk perawat (54 perawat) dan accidental sampling untuk pasien yang didampingi oleh keluarga (54 pasien). Analisa data penelitian dilakukan dengan teknik univariat (ditampilkan dalam bentuk distribusi frekuensi), bivariat (uji chisquare) serta multivariat (uji regresi logistik dengan metode backward). Data penelitian berupa karakteristik responden disajikan dalam bentuk distribusi frekuensi, sedangkan data lainnya disajikan dalam bentuk tabulasi silang. Tabel 1 menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar perawat IGD adalah laki-laki, sedangkan usia dominan sekitar 18–34 tahun yang menunjukkan usia dewasa dan usia produktif. Latar belakang pendidikan perawat IGD sebagian besar merupakan pendidikan tinggi (D3 Keperawatan)

Pelaksanaan Triage kurang optimal optimal
Faktor kurang Ketenagaan optimal optimal
Kurang optimal
Df p
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