
As a promotion to market products, strategic marketing is the fundamental element. Product label packaging is an important marketing component that plays a vital role in marketing communication and provides a significant part of the intended message along with legally prescribed content. However, some of the labels used in packaging might lead to consumer confusion. The use of Islamic symbols in food packaging labels is one of the practices that may confuse others. Therefore, it has become popular in the Malaysian market and as a trademark to attract Muslim consumers. This study analysed the factors influencing the acceptance of Islamic attributes in food packaging labels. This quantitative research was based on the data collected through the questionnaires with the respondents from Muslim consumers in Kampung Parit No 3, Muar, Johor. The data was then analysed using descriptive analysis through SPSS Program Version 22. The research results revealed that the factors of belief in religion, which believe the products are halal, good, and safe to be consumed, are the main factors that influenced them in accepting the products that use Islamic attributes in their packaging labels. This research indicates that using Islamic attributes in food packaging has influenced them to accept the products. This could offer significant insight to the authority body, manufacturers, consumers, and researchers.

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