
The aim and tasks of the study. To identify practical means of extension of genetic basis of spring barley varieties to be created and to implement them in breeding process at the V. M. Remeslo Myronivka Institute of Wheat of NAAS for improving productivity potential, its stabilizing and diversifying the use of the crop.Material and methods. The study was conducted in 2011-2014 at the laboratory of barley breeding of the V.M. Remeslo Myronivka Institute of Wheat of NAAS of Ukraine (MIW) with conventional methods. Object of the study – collection samples and own breeding material created by the complete scheme of breeding process. In addition, retrospective analysis of research results of preceding years was applied.Results and discussion. Resulted from the research spring barley collection having 1408 samples which belong to 58 subspecies and originate from 52 countries has been formed. As a result of thorough analysis of own theoretical and practical developments over many years there were defined the main means of extending the genetic diversity of spring barley breeding material at the MIW: comprehensive studying genepool and involving sources of valuable traits of various environmental origin which complement their characteristics and properties into breeding process depending on the direction of breeding – brewing, feed and food; involving various barley subspecies into breeding process; using various growth habit (spring, winter and alternative) forms in creation of initial material; induced mutagenesis and using material obtained for both direct selection and hybridization; combining the above mentioned approaches. Based on the approaches diverse initial material being under study in all links of breeding process has been created.Conclusions. In order to extend the genetic basis of spring barley varieties to be created under conditions of the central part of Forest-steppes of Ukraine various approaches for creating initial material were defined and applied to breeding process. A diverse initial material involving environmentally remote samples, rare subspecies, forms with different growth habit, and induced mutagenesis in crossing has been created.


  • 1408 samples which belong to 58 subspecies

  • involving sources of valuable traits of various environmental origin which complement their characteristics and properties into breeding process depending on the direction of breeding

  • on the approaches diverse initial material being under study in all links

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Results and discussion

Resulted from the research spring barley collection having 1408 samples which belong to 58 subspecies and originate from 52 countries has been formed. Fined the main means of extending the genetic diversity of spring barley breeding material at the MIW: comprehensive studying genepool and involving sources of valuable traits of various environmental origin which complement their characteristics and properties into breeding process depending on the direction of breeding – brewing, feed and food; involving various barley subspecies into breeding process; using various growth habit (spring, winter and alternative) forms in creation of initial material; induced mutagenesis and using material obtained for both direct selection and hybridization; combining the above mentioned approaches. A diverse initial material involving environmentally remote samples, rare subspecies, forms with different growth habit, and induced mutagenesis in crossing has been created. АДАПТИВНА ХАРАКТЕРИСТИКА ГІБРИДІВ КУКУРУДЗИ (ZEA MAYS L.), СТВОРЕНИХ НА ОСНОВІ ПОДВІЙНО – ГАПЛОЇДНИХ ЛІНІЙ ПЛАЗМИ LANCASTER. Наведено результати вивчення адаптивної здатності і екологічної стабільності 99 гібридів кукурудзи, отриманих за участі 29 подвоєно-гаплоїдних і чотирьох вихідних інбредних ліній. У світовій селекційній практиці в основі значної частини програм зі створення інбредних ліній кукурудзи лежить покращення ліній попередніх циклів відбору, але єдиним суттєвим недоліком цього методу є його довготривалість. S. лінії гаплоїдного походження увійшли у деякі гібриди компанії «De Kalb Agricultural Association» (CША)

Material and methods
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