
The conversion of epidural analgesia during labour to surgical anaesthesia for Caesarean section can have important medical and medicolegal implications. This survey sought to establish the current management for extending epidural blockade for emergency Caesarean section. A postal questionnaire was sent to the lead obstetric anaesthetist in all maternity units in the UK (n = 254). The response rate was 82% (n = 209). Of those surveyed, 68% (136) give the full dose of the local anaesthetic mixture in the delivery room, whilst 12.5% (25) initiate the top-up in the delivery room and give the remainder of the dose in theatre. Fifteen per cent (30) transfer the woman to theatre before commencing anaesthesia and 34% (68) give a test dose before the full anaesthetic dose. Guidelines for converting labour analgesia to anaesthesia for emergency Caesarean section were available in 64% (128) units. Bupivacaine 0.5% was the most commonly used agent, being used as the sole agent by 41.5% (81) units and in combination by a further 18% (36). Adrenaline was added to the chosen local anaesthetic by 30% (60) whilst 12% (24) added bicarbonate. In all, 13 combinations of local anaesthetics and adjuncts were used. The mode time to transfer the patient to theatre was 1 min. Of the 161 respondents who commenced anaesthesia in the delivery room, 71% (114) did not monitor the patient during transfer, whilst 87% (140) had ephedrine immediately available. Thirty-three respondents reported a total of 43 adverse incidents associated with the extension of epidural blockade. These included high blocks, inadequate blocks and possible intravascular injections, the latter resulting in two seizures and one cardiac arrest.

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