
M17 is one of the youngest and most massive nearby star-formation regions in the Galaxy. It features a bright H II region erupting as a blister from the side of a giant molecular cloud (GMC). Combining photometry from the Spitzer GLIMPSE survey with complementary infrared (IR) surveys, we identify candidate young stellar objects (YSOs) throughout a 1.5 deg x 1 deg field that includes the M17 complex. The long sightline through the Galaxy behind M17 creates significant contamination in our YSO sample from unassociated sources with similar IR colors. Removing contaminants, we produce a highly-reliable catalog of 96 candidate YSOs with a high probability of association with the M17 complex. We fit model spectral energy distributions to these sources and constrain their physical properties. Extrapolating the mass function of 62 intermediate-mass YSOs (M >3 Msun), we estimate that >1000 stars are in the process of forming in the extended outer regions of M17. From IR survey images from IRAS and GLIMPSE, we find that M17 lies on the rim of a large shell structure ~0.5 deg in diameter (~20 pc at 2.1 kpc). We present new maps of CO and 13CO (J=2-1) emission, which show that the shell is a coherent, kinematic structure associated with M17 at v = 19 km/s. The shell is an extended bubble outlining the photodissociation region of a faint, diffuse H II region several Myr old. We provide evidence that massive star formation has been triggered by the expansion of the bubble. The formation of the massive cluster ionizing the M17 H II region itself may have been similarly triggered. We conclude that the star formation history in the extended environment of M17 has been punctuated by successive waves of massive star formation propagating through a GMC complex.

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