
Introduction: The study presents confirmatory research on the linkage between expression of terms and language and translation. Therefore, the relationship of the mentioned facets has been presented in the study. Different literatures have proved that terms whenever expressed impact significantly on the proficiency of the EFL learners in terms of language and translation. Method: A quasi experimental design was sought in the study with the participants invited to participate in the longitudinal survey. The questionnaire was uploaded in the Qualtrics platform for the access of the participants. SPSS program was used to generate statistics and testing of the hypotheses. Results/Discussions: A significant relationship between terms and language and translation was confirmed. Terms impact positively on language and translation capacities of the EFL learners. However, the relationship was termed non-absolute meaning not all aspects of the expression of terms enhance language and translation proficiencies. Conclusion: Overall, the research supports the need for EFL learners to be subjected to a supportive learning environment to boost their emotions. The situation would enhance their proficiencies in language and translation capacities.

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