
1. Introduction M. van der Veen. 2. Sorghum in the economy of the early neolithic nomadic tribes at Nabta Playa, southern Egypt K. Wasylikowa, J. Dahlberg. 3.. Wild grasses as neolithic food resources in the eastern Sahara - a review of the evidence from Egypt H. Barakat, A. Gamal el-din Fahmy. 4. The use of gas chromatography and mass spectrometry in the identification of ancient sorghum seeds E. Biehl, et al. 5. Ancient DNA from sorghum: the evidence from Qasr Ibrim, Egyptian Nubia P. Rowley-Conwy, et al. 6. Missing plant foods? Where is the archaeobotanical evidence for sorghum and finger millet in East Africa? R. Young, G. Thompson. 7. Early plant food production in the West African Sahel - new evidence K. Neumann. 8. The exploitation of wild and domesticated food plants at settlement mounds in north-east Nigeria (1800 cal BC to today) M. Klee, B. Zach. 9. Indications for agroforestry: archaeobotanical remains of crops and woody plants from medieval Saouga, Burkina Faso S. Kahlheber. 10. Ethnoarchaeological approaches to the study of prehistoric agriculture in the highlands of Ethiopia C. D'Andrea, et al. 11. The ethnobotany of Lathyrus sativus L. in the highlands of Ethiopia A. Butler, et al. 12. The agricultural foundation of the Aksumite Empire, Ethiopia - an interim report S. Boardman. 13. Wine production and consumption in pharaonic Egypt M.A. Murray. 14. The food and fodder supply to Roman quarry settlements in the Eastern Desert of Egypt M. van der Veen. 15. Trade and subsistence at the Roman port of Berenike, Red Sea coast, Egypt R. Cappers. 16. The use of imported and local wood at the Roman port of Berenike, Red Sea coast, Egypt C. Vermeeren. 17. Charcoal from West African savanna sites: questions of identification and interpretation K. Neumann. 18. Fuels for the furnace: recent and prehistoric ironworking in Uganda and beyond G. Thompson, R. Young. 19. Reconstructing the woody resources of the medieval Kingdom of Alwa, Sudan C. Cartwright. 20. The selection of plant fibers and wood in the manufacture of organic household items from the Gabalein area, Egypt N.M. Waly.

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