
Bu arastirmanin amaci duzeylerine gore sorularin ogrenmeye etkisini inceleyerek egitimde soru sormanin onemine iliskin ortak bilinc olusmasina ve bu konuda ogretici ve ogrencilerin kendilerini gelistirmelerine katki saglamaktir. Amac dogrultusunda deneysel yontem kullanilmistir. Arastirma sinif yonetimi dersinde uc ogrenci grubu uzerinde yurutulmustur. Gruplara 1. deney, 2. deney ve 3. deney grubu adi verilmistir. Her uc grupta soru-cevap yontemi ortak olarak uygulanmistir. 1. deney grubunda hatirlamaya yonelik, 2. deney grubunda hatirlama ve uygulamaya yonelik sorular, 3. deney grubunda hatirlama, uygulama ve uretime yonelik sorular kullanilmistir. Nicel veri toplama araci olarak erisi testi, nitel veri toplama araci olarak odak grup gorusmesi yapilmistir. Veri cozumlemede regresyon analizi teknigi kullanilmis ve denek gorusleri tematik olarak analiz edilmistir. Elde edilen bulgulara gore hatirlamaya yonelik sorularin toplam erisinin yaklasik % 31’ini, hatirlama ve uygulamaya yonelik sorularin birlikte kullaniminin toplam erisinin yaklasik % 53’unu, hatirlama, uygulama ve uretime yonelik sorularin birlikte ise kosulmasinin toplam erisinin yaklasik % 30’unu aciklayacak duzeyde etkili oldugu gozlenmistir. Anahtar Sozcukler: soru turu , ogrenme , soru turlerinin ogrenmeye etkisi


  • The purpose of the study was to examine the effect of questions on learning asked at their levels and contribute to create a common sense concerning the significance of asking questions in education and support the self-improvement of both lecturers and students in this issue

  • Depending on the findings obtained, it was found that factual questions explained 31% of the total access, using factual and empirical questions together explained 53% of the total access whereas, using factual, empirical and productive questions together explained 30% of the total access

  • The fact that using factual and empirical questions together explains 53% of the learning concerning the topic used within the research could be expressed with the fact that so called learning covers the majority of the cognitive field

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The purpose of the study was to examine the effect of questions on learning asked at their levels and contribute to create a common sense concerning the significance of asking questions in education and support the self-improvement of both lecturers and students in this issue

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