
Introduction The data recorded here were obtained as the outcome of a series of investigations upon the carcinogenic properties of hydrocarbons of the benzanthracene group. The course of these investigations was as follows: (1) The use of the fluorescence spectrum by Mayneord and by Hieger (6) led to the observation that 1: 2: 5: 6-dibenzanthracene and some closely related compounds produced cancer of the skin in mice.1 (2) The liability to cancer of the bladder in man in certain occupations in which the incidence of cancer of the skin is high (Henry, Kennaway and Kennaway, 5) suggested that the same compound might produce cancer both of the skin and of the bladder. (3) We therefore tried to produce cancer of the bladder in mice by the injection subcutaneously of a compound (1: 2: 5: 6-dibenzanthracene) which produced cancer when applied to the skin. No tumours of the urinary tract have been obtained as yet, but in these and other series of mice 31 tumours of connective tissue have appeared at the site of injection and 15 similar tumours have been produced in the same way in rats.

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