
As a rule, due to the physiological characteristics of the functioning of the musculoskeletal system, amputation and prosthetics of the affected limbs of horses and ponies are not performed (for example, in case of fractures of the fetlock, metacarpal, metatarsal, radius or tibia). However, in some cases, modern achievements in the field of materials science make it possible not only to save the animal, but also to provide it with a completely comfortable existence. This is especially important when breeding animals are injured, the euthanasia of which is accompanied by significant economic losses and impoverishes the gene pool of the breeding stock of domestic stud farms. Dislocation of the hip joint in horses is quite rare, but it is a very common disease of the pelvic region. The disease is characterized by displacement of the femoral head from the articular cavity, as well as rupture of the ligaments of the joint and damage to its capsule.The article contains an information about the successful experience of using modern polymeric materials used in the manufacture of an orthosis designed to compensate the difference in in the lengths of the pelvic limbs of a pony that arose after surgical resection of the femoral head. The text of the work includes an epicrisis and a description of the implementation of the design of the orthosis due to it: the elements of the orthopedic structure, the materials used, the timing and cost of manufacturing. The conclusion of the work concludes that the use of orthosis allowed: to significantly improve the quality of veterinary measures carried out; to provide the injured limb with a position as close as possible to the natural physiological one; to reduce the discomfort of the animal caused by the need to forge the injured limb during postoperative recovery. The success of professional collaboration in the implementation of an integrated approach to solving problems arising in the treatment and rehabilitation of animals, as well as in the performance of various interdisciplinary studies, is noted.

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