
Background. Treatment of chronic cerebral ischemia should be aimed both to the main etiological factor and to the pathogenetic mechanisms of cerebral ischemia and hypoxia. The action of ozone therapy is characterized with a multilateral positive effect on the main aspects of chronic cerebral ischemia pathogenesis, such as chronic cerebral hypoxia, impaired microcirculation, rheological disorders, and activation of lipid peroxidation. The use of iodine-bromine baths in chronic cerebral ischemia has been proved to be accompanied by an improvement in cerebral circulation, normalization of the brain bioelectric processes, an initially impaired condition of the autonomic nervous system, and an increase in the level of adaptive capabilities of the body.
 Aim: to develop effective pathogenetically substantiated methods for the combined use of iodine-bromine baths and ozone therapy in patients with chronic cerebral ischemia to increase the effectiveness of health resort treatment.
 Methods. In accordance with the tasks set in the work, 90 patients with chronic cerebral ischemia of the degree 1, who were randomized into three treatment groups, were examined and treated. Patients of the control group (n = 30) received iodine-bromine baths, patients of the comparison group (n = 30) received ozone therapy, patients of the main group (n = 30) received iodine-bromine baths and ozone therapy. Examination of patients included Doppler ultrasound, electroencephalography, rheoencephalography, сardiointervalography, lipid metabolism studies, fibrinogen content studies.
 Results. As a result of treatment, the improvement of clinical symptoms and the normalization of biochemical and neurophysiological parameters were noted in patients of all treatment groups. Overall efficiency (improvement and significant improvement) was 53.3% in the control group, in the comparison group it was 63.3%, and 73.3% in the main group.
 Conclusion. The authors proved the practicability of rehabilitative treatment of early forms of vascular diseases of the brain at the stage of sanatorium and resort rehabilitation, which is due to significant compensatory reserves and high plasticity of the structural and functional formations of the brain with preserved ability to develop nonspecific elements of the nervous tissue and restore reversibly damaged structures.

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