
Population ageing has become a universal world problem, and actively addressing it has been elevated to an important national development strategy. The United Kingdom is the world's first industrialised country and also a country with an ageing population. The UK has accumulated rich experience in coping with the ageing of the population and has suc-cessfully dealt with the issue by formulating and implementing policies to delay the re-tirement age, adjusting immigration policies, and actively using science and technology-related tools. Meanwhile, Japan, as the first country to enter an ageing society, has also achieved good results by establishing a comprehensive policy and regulatory system, for-mulating and implementing initiatives related to the development of human resources for the elderly, and using big data and intelligent robots to actively address the challenges of ageing. Therefore, based on the experiences of the UK and Japan, the study suggests that China can successfully address the challenges of ageing by emphasising the role of tech-nology, promoting digitalisation and enhancing the application of artificial intelligence technologies, building a cultural mindset, policies and institutional networks that are con-ducive to the development of older people's resources, as well as strengthening the plan-ning and top-level design of the elderly sector and establishing a sound legal system to deal with the issue of the ageing population.

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