
The author considers social modeling as a vector for the development of Russian philosophy in the 19th – early 20th centuries. The article focuses on the interpretation of the dialectics of the national and universal in the proposed projects of the socio-cultural development of Russia; it is emphasized that the approach to the problem associated with it focused on the connection of national models of the development of Russian society with universal civilized meanings and norms of public life. The subject of a separate consideration was the models developed on the philosophical platform of domestic liberalism (V.S. Solovyov, P.I. Novgorodtsev, S.I. Gessen, B.A. Kistyakovsky, P.B. Struve), which turned research interest to questions formation of the rule of law in Russia. This provided for special attention, firstly, to the development of legal relations in all spheres of public life, and secondly, to the system of mutual obligations of the authorities and civil society. In such an analytical context, the proposed models of the country's development responded to the civilizational challenges of the time and to the historically demanded preservation of the traditions and spiritual values of the multinational Russian culture. The established philosophical attitude, as shown in the article, retains its theoretical value for today’s practice of social modeling.

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