
Abstract Background Racial discrimination towards ethnic minorities permeates healthcare systems of many countries. This study aimed to strengthen the understanding of the experience of racial discrimination among ethnic-minority healthcare professionals in Ireland. The objective was to explore the lived experience of racial discrimination and its impact on the health and well-being of nurses and doctors in this local context. Methods Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis was used to explore participants' experiences. Purposive and snowball sampling strategies were used to recruit sixteen ethnic minority nurses and physicians, working in diverse roles across Irish private and public healthcare sectors. In-depth semi-structured interviews were employed to collect data. A brief questionnaire was used to obtain information on participants’ demographic profiles. Findings Ethnic minority healthcare professionals experienced racial discrimination from colleagues, patients, and families; and this discrimination was interpersonal, structural, and institutional. Three core themes, and a number of related sub-themes, were identified; including: (1) Experiences of racial discrimination ((a) overt and subtle, (b) excessive reporting, (c) lack of safe space and trust, (d) being overlooked), (2) Responses to racial discrimination ((a) navigating racism, (b) tolerating in silence, (c) surviving and thriving, (d) seeking support); and (3) Impact of racial discrimination ((a) psychological impacts, (b) physical impacts, and (c) financial impact). Conclusions This study demonstrated that ethnic minority healthcare professionals have experienced racial discrimination in the Irish healthcare setting, which significantly impacted their health and well-being. By giving voice to these healthcare professionals, this study highlighted challenges facing Irish healthcare systems and the need for drastic change.

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