
This paper commences with affirmation of the importance of research critique within academic programmes of study, and the context of this skill within the nursing profession. Judie (student) shares an experience from a Professional Doctorate in Education (EdD) assignment that involved selecting and critiquing a piece of published research. “The qualities of an effective mentor” ( Gray and Smith, 2000) was critiqued using the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme ( CASP, 2006) framework. Morag was the researcher and co-author ( Gray and Smith, 2000) and was subsequently contacted by Judie for the purposes of validating her critique assignment. On the tenth anniversary since publication of her PhD research findings Morag reflects on the original article in the light of Judie’s critique and shares evaluative comments. Some of the assignment critique is validated by Morag, whilst some of the evaluation demonstrates unreliability of critique shown by Judie. Discussion surrounding sufficiency of research critique through systematic examination of a published article, versus an original research report such as a thesis ensues. The student and researcher/author reveal their learning from this collaborative experience and conclude with recommendations for; setting critique assignments; authors publishing their research findings; and students undertaking critique assignments.

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