
This paper describes the experience of caring for a child with incontinent dermatitis that was caused by improper family care. From March 27, 2015 to April 2, 2015, the authors used Gordon's 11 functional health parameters to collect subjective and objective data on the physical, mental and social conditions of the care recipient. To understand the nursing-related problems, including impaired skin integrity, acute pain, and caregiver anxiety, the data for this case and his mother were conducted by observation, physical assessment, the process of caring, and communication. For the three nursing problems, we established a good relationship with the family by providing individual care, continuously active care, listening, and companionship. In order to reduce the pain during wound dressing, we used game therapy and an attention-transfer technique that was based on the case's preferences. We encouraged family members to participate in treatment in order to ensure that the case continued to receive proper and continuous care after returning home. The authors taught the family members the correct information for treating incontinent dermatitis in order to reduce their concerns and to enhance their confidence and care abilities. We hope that this nursing experience may provide a reference for other nursing staffs when caring for similar cases in order to ensure appropriate quality of care.

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