
REVIEW QUESTION / OBJECTIVE The objective of this review is to describe commercial sexual exploitation as experienced by adolescents in the United States. The specific review question is: how do adolescent victims of commercial sexual exploitation in the United States describe their experiences with regard to their abuse and their engagement with the legal, health care and social service systems? INCLUSION CRITERIA Types of participants This review will consider studies that include participants who are or were victims of human trafficking, specifically commercial sexual exploitation, aged 18 years of age or younger at the time they experienced it. Types of abuse experienced in commercial sexual exploitation include, but are not limited to, physical abuse, child pornography and/or prostitution. Victims of child or adolescent sexual abuse or human trafficking who have not been commercially sexually exploited will not be included in this review. Phenomena of interest The phenomenon of interest is the self-reported experiences of victims of commercial sexual exploitation. Of particular interest is the effect of repeated traumatic experiences on mental and physical health as a result of the abuse and the identification of short- and long-term care needs for victims. Additionally, educational achievement, employment, and meeting basic needs for food and housing in the community are public health needs of this population and will also be considered. Ongoing involvement of victims with law enforcement will also be included in this review as continued engagement with the law enforcement system is prohibitive to meeting their other developmental needs. Context The TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS

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