
This response takes issue with S. B. Drury's reading Nietzsche in vital, concluding pages her essay on Esoteric Philosophy Leo Strauss.' Drury's reading merits a response because conclusions she draws from her reading and political ends to which Nietzsche's thinking is directed. Such a confrontation and exchange will, I believe, enable me to show that Nietzsche is, in fact, a critic type political conservatism Drury locates in Strauss's work, and that his own thinking represents an attempt to prepare ground for a philosophical and political radicalism.2 I want to argue that Nietzsche does not offer us mighty lie but mighty truth.3 The esotericism found in Nietzsche's writings is result peculiar problem that faces his attempt to communicate this mighty truth, his doctrine and teaching liberation, of redemption,4 to people, to herd who are gathered in marketplace and who greet liberating news that the old God is dead with jestful laughter and profound ignorance.5 Drury has failed to appreciate this point and takes esoteric presentation his teaching for an esoteric content. I want to show, within space allowed, that Nietzsche's teaching is an exoteric one, but that because unattentive ears men (who are under spell philosopher-priests-Leo Strauss? ) that teaching is forced to remain esoteric, and will be so until time is right, until moment

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